

A Very Happy Little Girl

As many of you have probably been able to ascertain from following this blog, Ellie has a 'thing' for slinkies. Colored slinkies, shiny slinkies, and baby slinkies are just some of the categories she has created for her little friends. We bought a case of plastic, colored slinkies (emblazoned with a map of the world because, you know, you can never start too early with geography) just so we would have some on hand when one would inevitably break. We have slinkies on top of the fridge, in my purse and in the car 'just in case' we might need one.

Some of you have told us about the 'slinky dog' featured in the movie Toy Story and we've seen it featured in vintage slinky ads on YouTube (we even have a special playlist of these commercials so Ellie can watch several minutes worth of slinky video without interuption). Mom told us she unsuccessfully searched five different toy stores in Peoria searching for the slinky dog toy that if procured might catapult her into "ultimate grandma status" (my words, not hers).

Well, tonight Nathan had "Daddy duty" at the mall while I had an appointment. Apparently the playplace holds less appeal for Ellie than it did a few months ago because after a short while she was more interested in climbing in the laps of other children's parents (she has no stranger anxiety, whatsoever), so Nathan was off in search of other forms of entertainment to kill time. They wandered into the Disney store, a place Nathan had never visited with Ellie, but given her recent fascination with movies like Peter P*n and Little Merm*id, he thought it might hold her attention a bit longer. They hadn't been walking long when she apparently froze in front of a shelf of merchandise. She said, "Slinky, Arf Arf!".

Puzzled, Nathan looked down and right at Ellie's eye level was a display of, you guessed it, Slinky Dogs. He looked at the price and immediately decided to redirect her attention elsewhere. Surprisingly, she acquiesced and moved on. But then quickly let go of his hand (a rarity these days, she's been incredibly clingy) and ran back to the slinky dogs. She pulled a box off the shelf, held it up to him and said with a sincere expression, "Show Mommy Slinky Dog?". When he didn't answer, she repeated the question. "Show Mommy Slinky Dog?"

Ah ha. This isn't for Ellie's benefit. She really just wants to get it so Mommy can see the amazingly rare toy they have designed with the slinky.

To make a long story short, Daddy caved and Ellie was soon the proud owner of her very own Slinky Dog. Enjoy the photos.


Aunt Ruth said...

Way to go Ellie!!! Little girls are good at twisting on Daddy's heart strings. We love the picture where she is trying to "ride" the Slinky.

Joann said...
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Joann said...

How nice that she was thinking of you :>