

Snow Day in KY

Today we got one of the few snows we'll probably get for the winter. That's why we haven't invested in a 'real' sled for Ellie yet. The trash can lid still works. ;-) We did get her some snow pants and boots in anticipation of the ski retreat we'll be leading in a few short weeks. It was fun to pull them out today and give them a test run. I think she stayed pretty warm!

The next three photos are a series. 1.) she's looking at the snow ball in her hand, then 2.) before you can blink, she's cocked her arm back and thrown it at her mom, no, her mom's camera! 3.) she thinks it's hilarious!

Reagan was not immune from receiving a few snowballs himself. Poor dog.

I like the movement of this photo. Reagan looks ferocious, but he's having fun 'encouraging' Ellie down the hill.

By the way, as is typical of Kentucky, the snow is mostly gone already!


Anonymous said...

playing in the snow are some of my favorite memories from when I was little! She is so precious! By the way, I wanted to share with you all that I am thinking about working in adoption with my degree in Social Work. You all were part of that inspiration!

Cydil said...

Oh Meredith! You made our day! That's wonderful to hear. I think you'll find it an incredibly rewarding occupation and I know your families will appreciate your kind, patient and compassionate heart as you walk through an emotional process with them. We love our social worker and thank God that he gave her to us. She'll always have a special place in our hearts for all she did to help us prepare for and bring home Ellie, and now, as we pursue bringing home #2. I just called her on the phone today about something!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! That's so exciting! I will be praying for that situation for you all! I'm praying for the Lord's guidance right now in assuring me that's where He's leading me. But I'm pretty sure that's what I want to do. Thanks so much for your blog! I'm so glad that I can see Ellie's progress and to see her grow up even though I can't be at Asbury anymore. :)

Rob said...

I just had to comment about how wonderful your photos are!

Cydil said...

Thank you! I have the cutest subject in the world to photograph! And, as I read another adoptive parent write this, I can say that because I didn't make her!