

Eye Appointment

Yesterday morning Ellie had an eye appointment with her ophthalmologist at the University of Kentucky. Nathan was a dear and offered to take her. The appointment was at 8AM, Ellie's usual wake up time(we learned to schedule EARLY otherwise you could wait as long as 2 hours or more to get in -- which was the case our first visit). Nathan said she started crying as soon as they pulled into the parking garage (her memory is incredible).

He said she did relatively well, even though the tech wouldn't test her vision by asking her letters (something they don't do until the child is 6, they said) but showed her pictures instead which Ellie found repetitive and made her become impatient. The eye doctor gave her another good report. I know absolutely nothing about eye terms, so forgive me Sean and Diana, but apparently her eye drift was 30 when we brought her in 2 years ago and now it's down to 10 -- so the glasses are working and we don't need to patch (hallelujah!). Dr. Stevens also was kind enough not to dilate her eyes this visit and scheduled another appointment in three months (we've been going every three months for over a year). It also sounds like Ellie may be getting new glasses this spring -- so keep checking the blog to see her new look!


Aunt Ruth said...

Thank the Lord for Ellie's slowly improving vision! God has been with her ever since her birth, but since she received such exceptional adoptive parents, she has flourished as a beautiful rose!! I cannot wait til Spring.
God's richest blessings are prayed for all 3 of you AND the little one who's waiting to join your family.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

I am so glad to hear of her good appointment. I was a "patch kid" twice -- once when I was a bit younger than Ellie, I believe... and then again when I started first grade. Not fun... I'm pleased it seems she'll be able to avoid it.