

Ellie, Pre-school: Age 3

I'm probably breaking a copyright law somewhere, but I honestly looked and didn't see one on the back of this image ... but, I just had to share this pic on the blog. I am so proud of our little girl. Didn't she do a great job on her first school photo? I was so pleased because she had JUST learned to smile on command right before this was taken in late September. I had also dressed her in this really cute denim jacket with a ruffled collar, but apparently it was too warm to wear, or the teachers didn't realize it was part of the ensemble... either way, it wasn't worth doing re-takes. ;-) One down, about 15 more to go...


Anonymous said...

awww this is so cute!

Viktor and Kristen said...


Dallas Jenkins said...

That's pretty impressive; I'm not sure Beanie could do that! Heck, I'm not sure I could do that.

Aunt Ruth said...

She takes my breath away!! What a picture!!! She's an absolute doll!!!