


Ellie recently received these pretty 'princess' items as a birthday gift. For the benefit of the giver, we wanted to post these pictures of Ellie enjoying her present. She says, "prinence" instead of princess which I think you would agree is pretty cute.


Simon and Pam Wunderli said...

I think Ellie and Zara would be great friends. Zara loves dressing up as a princess. Just this morning Joshua and Zara were playing fairies..thankfully Joshua decided to switch to power rangers...we were getting worried for a while :)

hannah said...

love this pitures of ellie with the priness accessorided love aunt hannah

bug seth tua pip said...

She will really enjoy these pictures when she gets older! When we were little I think we had to use aluminum foil for fancy don't know how nice they have it these days.

Carissa Martin said...

these are beautiful photos of a beautiful girl! if you dont mind me asking, what kind of camera equip do you use? i am always on the lookout for great stuff. :)
carissa (from wilmore adoption group)

Cydil said...

Hi Carissa!
Thanks for the compliments! Those were shot on the Canon 5D with the 24-70L 2.8 lens and the 550EX flash (diffused). I also used Boutwell Totaly Rad Actions "Yin/Yang" and "Magic Glasses" (for sharpness). I love talking camera stuff. What do you use? BTW, I adore your banner graphic! TOO cute!

Aunt Ruth said...

What Fun!! I remember Audrey and
Tessa doing "dress-up". Ellie's a pretty princess.