

Easter Sunday

What a blessing it was to be home for Easter this year and get to be with family! The morning began with worship with Steve, Rachel and their kids at Crosswalk, followed by a yummy noon dinner at "the farmhouse" where Isaac, Rachel and Sam are staying until their house in Columbus sells. We (the Woffords, Dad, Mom, Hannah, Ellie & I) were joined by Grandpa and Grandma Whiteford.

Enjoy the large batch of photos below as the mountain of work awaiting me here back in KY seems enormous and I don't know when I'll get to blog again next! It's going to be a busy week! Nathan comes home tomorrow!
Before we even got inside, Ellie had to take a ride on the swings...

Sam brought his trampoline from Ohio with him and (above) Isaac is showing Ellie how to jump on it. While all this equipment at Grandpa and Grandma's old home would have been fun to have when we were kids we may never have discovered all the fun one could have in a haymow or on a hayrack!

Sitting around the table Dad reminded us of Grandma's traditional lamb cake (covered in coconut) which she would serve on Easter Sunday. I actually have one of the two original cake molds but didn't think to bring it up with me! Instead we 'settled' for sugar-free creme pie with raspberries.

Dad videoing the snow fall (which you can see better below)...

Ellie's first Easter Egg hunt

They were 'hidden' in rather obvious places (see the pink one behind her?). She is, afterall, still two.

Sam found one of the few with 'real' candy inside

...most of the others contained teddy grahams or cereal (which Ellie had to eat entirely before she would move on to locating and opening the next one).

I think this photo is hilarious because it looks like Grandma is trying to nick some of Ellie's candy!

Els giving me a 'nose kiss'


Anonymous said...


Was that last photo 'enhanced' with some of your purchases from last week??

Looks like you had a great Easter!!


hannah said...

hey cydil
love the pituees from easter sunday with ellie and have good easte with your and ellie

Simon and Pam Wunderli said...

Happy Easter to you all. Looks like you had a fun time together. Hope Nathan gets home safely and that he had a profitable time and got over his altitude sickness!

Chad and Christa said...

While there's plenty of danger (fun) to be found on a trampoline, it hardly compares to climbing a rusty old grain elevator and truly escaping death.