

Picking Cherries in Diosd

Due to a diaper dilemma, Ellie and I had to leave camp shortly after supper tonight and go 'home' for more supplies. The weather was gorgeous (think early October in KY) so after getting Ellie fixed up, we explored the Johnson's backyard. While swinging on their patio swing with Ellie and singing camp songs, I noticed a very droopy cherry tree and went over to investigate. After sampling a few of it's abundant fruits, I ran inside to grab a Wal Mart sack and the camera.

The photos above show the fun time we had gathering cherries to share tomorrow in the staff room. In the course of gathering our fruit, I suddenly wished I had an orchard of fruit trees (okay, maybe just one) at home to supply us with convenient, tasty produce! It was an unexpected turn to the evening and provided a special memory I'll take home after this trip is over. I didn't even care that Ellie was sitting on a number of rotten cherries that had already fallen to the ground and were likely staining one of only three pairs of pants I packed for her (who would have predicted a week of temps in the low 70s in July?) While Ellie resisted trying the cherries I offered, you can see from the bottom photo that at least one made it to her mouth when I wasn't looking. Incidentally, cherry soup is one of Hungary's most famous dishes. I think I understand now a little better why.

***Click here watch a slideshow of more cherry picking photos***


Anonymous said...

Beautiful subjects, Beautiful music, and beautiful photography!!! Love and prayers, Aunt ruth

Anonymous said...

What a precious series of pictures! I want a homemade cherry pie!!!!!!
loveu, Aunt Dianna

hannah vanorman said...

aunt hannah pitures of ellie on the blog I like the aunt but I want to be called auntie hannah or aunt hannah love the slideshow of the blog love aunt hannah

Anonymous said...

Isaac Whiteford Jenkins was born tonight (7/6) at 10:41 p.m. and weighing 6 lbs. 11 oz.
Christa had to have a C section because he was breech but both are doing just fine. Pictures will be soon.
We are so thrilled for them.
Aunt Dianna