

Hungary, Day 2

It's the end of day 2 and we're still weary, but doing well. The lack of sleep on the flights here has definitely taken its toll on me this time, but I guess it was a good thing that I was forced to get out today and stay out from 8:30AM until supper time to site-see around Budapest! KatyBeth Searls, our friend and missionary hostess, requested an "Ellie day" and graciously watched Ellie at her home for us while we pounded the streets of downtown Budapest. I was a bit concerned that it might be a rough after Ellie had a major meltdown in the van ride home the night before, but as KB said, "Better here than on the airplane!"

Anyway, I was relieved to hear that she had a good day with Kate (who doesn't?) and Ellie jabbered up a storm when we were reunited at the end of the day. Here's some photos from the fun we had today! As always, visit for more photos and news about the trip.

We learned a lot about the Mongolian invasion of Hungary in 1241 and Gengis Khan at the National History Museum this morning!

Nathan's lunch was as tasty as it was beautifully presented! Wow!

We worked off lunch with a climb up to the top of St. Steven's for a view of the city

a lovely candelabra inside St. Steven's

a model of the cathedral shows you where we walked (the balcony around the base of the dome -- talk about vertigo)!

the real thing

coming home to a happy girl

here's a photo from yesterday: a sleepy Ellie that we had to wake up for landing

later last night (Monday), Ellie is more than awake enough to know she wanted in the pool! It's going to become tricky to keep her attention directed in places other than the backyard where she can see the pool! You can pray for us in this area! She gets quite worked up trying to tell us that's where she wants to go and until camp starts on Saturday, we'll be spending quite a bit of time at the Searls' home and trying to distract her from the back yard!

Meanwhile, we're grateful she seems to be getting much better acclimated to the time difference than her mother!


Anonymous said...

Howdy Travelers!! So great to be able to keep up with you and little Ellie. Our continued prayers are with you and the students. Love and prayers, Aunt Ruth

hannah vanorman said...

hey nathan and cydil and ellie
aunt hannah love pitures of ellie on the blog how are you I praying for you and the team it so great to be able to keep up with you on your blog and aunt hannah love new pitures on the blog love and prayers aunt hannah

bug seth tua pip said...

That was great that you were able to leave her when you went into the city. She looks like she got some rest, too. Great photos.