

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Last night we did our annual 'Waggoner Family Vacation' photo shoot. Nathan and his parents had earlier discovered some cool dunes a few miles down the road at a national nature preserve from where we are staying so we drove down and walked along a trail to reach our perfect photo location. Not long into the picture-taking we discovered Miss Ellie had a bit of a problem. Here she is pictured in her daddy's undershirt (which looked like a toga on her) -- our only solution for getting her back to the van -- and ultimately the house -- without getting the contents of her leaking diaper all over us too. It only partially worked. I guess no trip is too brief to leave the diaper bag at home (or even in the van). It made for a memorable ending to Nathan's birthday (no pun intended). Happy Birthday, Dad! (Incidentally, she created a similar mess on Mother's Day, too!)

1 comment:

hannah vanorman said...

HI nathan and cydil
aunt hannah love this pitures of ellie and nathan at the how was nathan birthday yesday did you go out for supper for nathan birthday aunt hannah said