

Aunt Rebecca graduated!

with Aunt Rebecca, yesterday after her graduation from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia

We were glad to bypass the bleachers and spread out on the grass to watch the ceremony unfold. Ellie was great.

that's the Honorable Dr. Newt Gingrich (did you know he had a PhD? I didn't) on one of the jumbo trons
he delivered the commencement address and received an honorary degree yesterday morning
3,800 students graduated yesterday...

the day was celebratory but also subdued in light of the death earlier in the week of Liberty's founder and chancellor, Dr. Falwell (you might be able to see tribute in the program photographed above)

Ellie was gettin' a bit hungry for lunch. Sorry for the lack of her normally pleasant face.
Rebecca, we're proud of you and look forward to seeing where the Lord directs you next!


hannah vanorman said...

aunt hananh love this pitures of ellie on the blog and going to gradution of justin this afternoon aunt hannah said

Anonymous said...

Nathan and Cydil, Thanks so much for sharing the graduation pictures!!! We heard how wonderful and blessed the ceremony was. Give our love and congrats to Becca!! love, Aunt Ruth

Simon and Pam Wunderli said...

Phew that is quite the graduation ceremony with those many student graduating. How long did the service take? Congratulations to your sister Nathan. Looks like you all had a fun day. Pam x