

Ellie has a new cousin!!!

We are excited to welcome Ellie's cousin, Tua Esther Shaw, born this morning at 12:47AM! Weighing in at 8 lbs, 4 ozs and 21 inches long, she reportedly looks like her mommy (though born with a full head of hair which her mommy did not have at birth). We'll post some photos as soon as we get some! Mom and baby are doing well! What an exciting way to end 2006 with 2 little girls joining the vanOrman family within weeks of each other. Aunt Hannah is beside herself.

A little bit of Ellie news: our little girl cashed in her chips at 6:30 PM last night and as of this posting (7:45 AM) is still sleeping! I think her marathon day of travel has caught up with her!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful story! It brought back memories of meeting my Maria back in 1997. Ellie is a very special girl who will thrive now that she has a forever family.

Joann (from Bethany Forum)

Anonymous said...

hey guys - i just got around to reading the last few entries. it has been a great story...and a perfect picture to end it seeing ellie in america with her cousins :) hopefully we can catch up sometime in columbus or wilmore. if not earlier, we'll probably be in wilmore in june. ellie can meet isabella :)
happy homecoming. and...GO BUCKS! jan. 8 :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Nathan, Cydil and Ellie. What a great time we had with you!! What a great Christmas present--for Ellie to join our family!! We are so happy for you.
Just like someone else has already said, Ellie will blossom daily before your eyes. As you have said, she's already changed so much in a few weeks!! God Bless. We love each of you, Aunt Ruth

Kami Rice said...

By the way, Congratulations to Bug and Seth! :-) (Do they read this?) :-)