

To Reni on his 5th birthday

Editor's Note:  I thought I published this on Reni's birthday!  Obviously I don't read my own blog or I would have known this didn't post!  Sorry for the delay.  This was meant to have gone up on Wednesday.

Reni, how can it be that you are five years old? I look at this photo of you and your expression is indicative of the maturing you have gone through during this last year. Several moves, new friends, new country, new language, new life... You ask serious questions, you ponder things and share your thoughts with us.  Lately one of your favorite things to say is, "Actually, Mom, this is how it works..."

I look at you and I can hardly look away.  I never get tired of looking at your sparkly eyes, and the shape of your mouth that can look so different depending on if you're grinning, pouting, pondering, or sleeping. 

I love that you still love to snuggle.  One of your most endearing qualities is your frequent hugs, burrowing your face into our necks and sighing loudly and contentedly, calling me your 'snuggly buggly'.  Your favorite thing before bed is a 'smasher hug' from Dad and ANY time of day you will come up to us, pulling up your shirt asking for a back scratch.  Yes, you're all about touch -- unless it's tickles, then you 'scream like a girl', and you scream well!  

This past year you have discovered a love of Legos and you are so proud of being able to build things all by yourself.  You still love your Hot Wheels and I love that you and your sister can play on the floor for hours with nothing but a handful of toy cars.  And of course, you are ALL boy and love super heroes, good guys and bad guys, police chases... all that typical boy stuff.

In spite of all the karate kicks, the rough housing, and the crashing toys, you are still a sensitive boy with a tender heart.  Always keep a part of your heart tender, Reni.  That's what allows you to feel sympathy and compassion, to see things from another's perspective. 

One thing folks marvel at is your relationship with your sister.  You two are best friends and it pleases your Dad and I that you get along so well.  Sure, you know how to push each other's buttons, but at the end of the day, she is the first one you want to see the latest thing you've built or discovered.

Reni, we love each and every year of life we get to enjoy with you.  While we joke that 'you're not allowed to turn five', deep down inside, we are grateful for another year to see the kind of person you are growing up to be.  God has made you and knows you even better than us.  He has given you gifts and talents and abilities to use for His Kingdom, His Body, and this world.  We are responsible to nurture and help develop those gifts for His purposes and glory, not for ours or for yours. It's a big responsibility but we are so grateful that He entrusted you to us. You are one of God's greatest, greatest gifts to us and we marvel at the way He worked to put us together as a family.

Well, it's a late night.  Your dad has just made an amazing race car lego cake for you.  And now he's wrapping your gifts.  As you went to bed tonight, you had an extra spring in your step and a catch of excitement in your voice. Know that we go to bed with the same excitement because we love you deeply, Reni Boy, more than words can express and are so proud to be your parents.  Mom and Dad.

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