


In our May e-newsletter, we put out an invitation to anyone who might want to 'visit' us virtually through Skype or Facetime.  We had several folks take us up on the invitation!  Unfortunately I didn't think to take out my camera for some of the earlier conversations, but here are a few of the awesome people we visited with Memorial Day weekend: supporters, family members, prayer partners, former students from Asbury...

We were told at MTI (pre-Albania training) to be especially intentional about maintaining our relationships 'back home'.  I know that seems pretty common sense, but something about the advice got lodged in my mind and I haven't forgotten it. I can't expect others to take that responsibility -- I have to own it.

My preferred method of communication has always been e-mail.  I almost take pride in not being a 'phone-talker.'  I think with e-mail, I can do the talking, share what I think is important, and write when it's convenient for me.

The thing about Skyping is we usually have to make appointments in advance (especially given the time difference between here and the States).  I can't Skype in my jammies.  And we have to find activities to keep the children occupied if we wanted to limit the interruptions. ;-)

But it struck me that in the course of a Skype chat that we learned more about what was going on in our friends' lives than I would have learned in a whole series of e-mails. 

And at the conclusion of our conversations we felt encouraged, rejuvenated, and reconnected with back home.

Nathan, with his parents on his birthday

I've got a number of other folks in mind that I want to Skype with next -- but don't wait for us!  Send us an invite (username: Nathan.Waggoner) and we'll make it happen!  After all, short of coming here yourself, how else will you get to talk to Squanto, our Albanian-speaking cockatiel?

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