

Visitors from Hoosier Land!

I know it's been quiet on the blog, but for good reason... the last 6 days we have hosted these folks!  

We were blessed to have leadership from our sending organization (WGM) visit Albania for the first time and see first hand what we are doing!  We kept them quite busy melding them into our life here, plus throwing in a few side trips to historical sites.  I'm afraid I didn't have my camera out much, but hopefully when they get home, I'll get some photos from Shelly to fill in my gaps for a proper report. ;-)

As hosts, we couldn't ask for better guests (and I don't just mean helping with dishes)!  They were curious about the history and culture, eager to try new experiences, inquisitive about the lives of the people they met, and willingly served where asked (like sharing in church)!  Though we're pretty tired ourselves, we feel like our tanks got filled up by time spent with folks who know us.

Now who's going to visit us next?  While my translation skills are rudimentary, I am eager to put them to use again! ;-)

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