

Legitimately Earned

Missionary kids are notoriously adventurous, I've been told.  Ellie is proving to be no exception.

I had a whole different blog post prepared to publish several days ago and half of it just disappeared.  It will have to wait.  

The silence on the blog has been for good reason.  Following the departure of the team and my mom's arrival, all my spare thoughts were consumed with a speaking engagement I agreed to fulfill.  One of those things where you're very honored to be included, then after you agree you're thinking, "What in the WORLD have I just committed to?" 

Through a series of God-ordained events (that all started with Ellie putting our groceries in someone else's shopping cart by mistake) I was asked to share our adoption story and represent adoptive parents at the Amb@ssador's round table presentation to the family court judges of Tirana, as well as various other heads of governmental departments which deal with orphanage care, social services, including the head of the Albanian adoption committee. On top of that, I was told I would be the closing speaker. If they had told me the media would be present, I think I would have crawled into a hole and disappeared until next year.

Unfortunately I worked myself up so much that I got sick.  Like can't swallow, too exhausted and uncomfortable to sleep, head stuffed up, achy neck sick.  By God's grace and the prayers of His people -- as well as a good dose of adrenaline -- I made it there and shared.  Then I rode the bus home, collapsed in bed and slept.  Thank you to everyone who prayed for me.  I am so grateful!

Now to get better!

1 comment:

Bryce Toole said...

WOW!! Sorry to hear you got sick. That is the worst. So glad to hear you made it out and were able to share:] I bet you did a great job!! Know I was praying for yall!!