

Easter Morning in the Fshati (village)

Easter morning in Vlashaj dawned overcast and remained that way most of the morning, but the rain held off!  Members from Genti's and Shpresa's church in Tirana arrived early to set up and then around 11AM, we gathered at the bottom of the hill at the entrance to the village.  We had had some resistance from a neighbor who was very opposed to the re-enactment that was going to take place, but after some patient discussion, they were able to convince him to cease stirring up the neighborhood against the morning service.

We walked up the hill and watched a re-enactment of Christ's last hours.

Pastor Genti delivered a great Easter message heard by the entire village, thanks to the sound system.

Look who's daughter jumped in to participate in the kid's performance?  She mouthed along with the songs like she knew all the words in Shqip!

So the plan was grilled hot dogs and potluck style lunch (potluck is a word we've had fun teaching our English-speaking Albanian friends).

But given the crowd and the time involved in serving everyone, as many plates were made up in advance as possible.  I have to say, I was a bit skeptical about eating an Albanian hot dog, but I have to say, it was quite yummy!  (the bread, esp, was much better than the typical buns we eat back home!)

Way to fold those napkins like a pro, Ani!

After everyone ate, we had a wonderful time of community fellowship.  We were so encouraged by the turn out (we estimate around 150) and especially the attendance of a few folks who have been on the fringe of involvement in the ministry programs.  We pray that they will feel more comfortable to join us in the future. 

One man excitedly told Nathan how happy he was to be celebrating Easter today because not only were we celebrating the village, but joining with millions of others around the globe.  (His wife comes to the center, but he does not -- yet!)

We were also blessed by the members of the Fjala e Jetes (Word of Life) church -- they presented a great program.  We know they encouraged our little band of believers from the village to get to see a bigger picture of the body of Christ.  Thank you for praying for today's events, and continue to pray that seeds of today's message -- the glorious story of Easter -- will find fertile soil in hearts. 


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