

So You Want to Ride a Gomar? (aka: Happy Kids)

Today we took our out of town guests to the nearby city of Kruje.  It was a former capital of Albania and rich with "Skenderbeg" history.

While we were enjoying the nice temps with an outdoor coffee break, a man with two donkeys (also known in Shqip as gomari) walked by, just beyond the edge of the outdoor seating area.  Let me interject with the detail that we see donkeys walk by the ministry center several times a day, and many a time our guests (who happen to live 11 miles south of the thoroughbred capital of the world) have sighed about their desire to ride one of these beasts of burden before leaving.  Seeing an opportunity at hand this morning, one of the more outgoing members of the group asked with a combination of hand motions and English if he could ride one of the man's two animals.  The farmer happily obliged.  Before long, everyone was asking to sit astride the gomar, including Ellie and Reni.

Reni had been dying to pet it, and enjoyed just feeling its mane during his first several seconds on top.

Then, he struck his best Skenderbeg pose!

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