

Olympic Spirit

We didn't catch much of the Winter Olympics this year (granted, we don't have a TV).  What we did see was viewed over lunch on the laptop/internet, but the McDonald's ads were a bit distracting and discouraging (and I don't even like their chicken nuggets).  Have I ever mentioned it's been 5 months and 28 days since I've had a Diet Coke? Something about images of cheeseburgers makes me crave fountain Diet Coke on ice.  As a side note, we could watch American television on Slingbox if we wanted (or had time), but the ads are just tortuous (e.g. Outback, Logan's, Texas Roadhouse...), so for now, we stick to Netflix. And I almost exclusively drink room temperature water.

Anyway, once a month we host a game night in the village. In the spirit of the Olympics, I suggested we do some team games.  Nathan did some research online and game up with a great slate of activities (what in the world did missionaries do before the internet?).  No sooner had we gotten ready to start and the lights went out.  For about an hour and a half.  Power has been so much better here in recent years that I had a bit of a panic wondering what we'd do for lights to carry on.  Thankfully, my parents are Mr. and Mrs. Prepared, and had furnished the apartment above with a couple of triple candle lanterns which we brought down from upstairs to supplement cell phone lights.

Maybe you've seen this game:  "Get The Cookie From Your Forehead To Your Mouth Without Touching it With Your Hands"

Or, "Roll The Pingpong Ball Down The Tape Measure Into the Colored Cup"

Or, "Stack The Blocks On The Tongue Depressor"

One thing these photos don't convey is how LOUD it was!  We're a competitive crew!

This weekend is a big one in Albania.  Tomorrow is Teacher's Day, so we learned on Wednesday that we won't have Albanian class tomorrow. Then Saturday is Women's Day.  Abby, Anna, and I will be celebrating with the ladies on Saturday at a local restaurant!  What are you doing this weekend?  If you're eating steak, well, just make up something else. :-)

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