

Channeling our Inner VanGogh

One of many projects this week is a mural inspired by Psalm 139, a passage the kids have been working to memorize this winter.  Abby sketched the initial design in her notebook...

... then suggested we let the kids help in the painting.

Anna works to sketch out the lettering for the text.

Painting was a HUGE hit.  The kids took it so seriously, shading, layering, mixing colors, highlighting...

Especially this little boy who was convinced the whale was his responsibility.

Abby was a saint and somehow managed to keep the enthusiasm under control... to an extent. We had to limit the number of kids who could be in the room at a time.

 Ellie had an equally fabulous day, her first of spring break.  She caught 2 lizards, a frog, and a snake.  And had lots of play time with her best friends here.  She was excited to announce at supper time that the frog got eaten by a chicken.  Such is life...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reni is so talented!!! We loved seeing his painting!!!! Any chance you are coming home this summer??? Aunt Ruth