

There She Goes...

The ladies have continued knitting and two of the scarves they've given me were made on the smaller side for youth.  Who better to model them than my Ellie girl.

I got such a kick scrolling through some of the photos we captured for the scarf site, that I just had to share my favorites... and talk about how she's growing up so fast.

Since Christmas her new front teeth have really come in and change her look so much.  She is growing up in other ways too -- asking to do jobs around the house to earn money for a second bird (though if her first bird keeps squawking as much as he has, she made get a cash infusion from mom and dad for his companion to come sooner and quiet him down!).  

She's especially been putting not-so-subtle pressure on her parents to adopt her another sibling (or 8)!  In fact, she is pointing out her growing independence as a sign that we would have more time on our hands to take on new babies.

Recently Ellie has begun to indicate a growing frustration over her inability to communicate with her Albanian friends.  In so many words she has wondered why Albanian is so much harder for her to learn than she remembers 'learning' English.  As a result she has begun asking why she can't see her American friends and wishing she had more kids in her school. If you think of Ellie, could you pray for her in that area?

Going back to the 'adoption' talk, she's already come up with names for her new siblings.  Currently her favorites are are Russell and Jillian.

I love it that Ellie has such a tender heart for kids.  In particular she expresses concern for the gypsy children begging in the streets.  We've started carrying cracker packets in our vehicle so we have something to give them if they approach us.

Oh Ellie girl.  You exude joy.  You bring joy. We love you so much!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I haven't been on here lately and I am totally amazed at how big Ellie has grown. She looks like a model in those photos and so grown up. Love them!