

All Kinds of Girly

Last month Abby and Anna approached us with the idea of doing special event for the village girls for Valentine's Day.  Back at Asbury I had done something similar with the Cabinet girls on this holiday (pasta bar, chocolate covered strawberries and chick flicks for a night) and Abby and Anna wanted to do something similar with their own twist.  It was a huge hit.  As you can imagine, it was full of food, giggles, finger nail polish, music, and hair braiding.  Oh, and lots and lots of photos!  (more on my FB page)

Albanian folk dancing looks beautifully simple.  Let me assure you, it is NOT!  I'm a hopeless cause and Women's Day is fast approaching!

Nathan was a trooper and sat with the kids back in one of the bedrooms.  The laptop cinema film of choice?  Planes.

These boys could hardly tolerate not being included.  Dying of curiosity, they sat outside the door for any glimpse of the festivities inside...

Yeah, I know I look a little tired, but keep in mind this is just a few hours after our fender bender and I was just happy we had made it to the village in time for the party and the girls were none the wiser!

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