

Filling in the gaps

I've had a cold.  My second for the month of January, which is sort of unusual for me since I rarely get sick.  I figure with all the coffee bars we study at with all the accompanying second-hand smoke we are inhaling there, respiratory illnesses should not come as a huge surprise.  While many are waiting for warmer temps to shed winter layers, I'm anxious for the outdoor patios to reopen so smoking can resume outside again. 

Thankfully we have turned another page on the calendar getting us closer to spring, but before too much more time passes, I have some images from last month nearing their expiration mark, so here follows a mish mash of pics that didn't make it up on the blog yet:

We got some great surprises in the mail for Christmas that trickled in through the month of January.  Thank you to everyone who helped us feel loved and remembered with gifts and cards!  I don't know who's more excited when something arrives in the post office box -- the kids or us!

One day I looked out my window and saw this.  Unfortunately, you can't see how high he is above the ground.  I have no idea if he's official or not or if he's just trying to get free internet but he was an amateur compared to what I had seen earlier.  A few days before I was too frozen with fear to grab my camera when I saw a woman in the opposite building from us stand on the ledge of her 6th floor window to wash the outside glass. No one was spotting her from the inside, no rope around her waist, no one-leg-inside and one leg out, but both feet on the outside ledge and hanging on with one arm. Now I just keep my camera out all the time because I have no idea what I'll see next.

Here are some picts from our visits to the Hope Center.  The first weekend Abby and Anna taught a yarn weaving technique.

But really it's less about transferring a skill or knowledge, and more about building relationships.

One night crepes was on the menu for supper.

They were so sweet as to make some for us.  Delicious!

Crepes with chocolate creme sauce?  Yum!
If you come to Albania, creperies are popping up everywhere.  I recommend the crepe with chocolate sauce, nuts, and apples!  You can't beat the price of $1.50 for a snack that's large enough to feed two!

Another weekend Nathan taught American football and then we played.

Finally, our Friday night youth group continues to grow and we usually have a new person or two each week.  If they all showed up on the same night, we wouldn't fit!

Thank you for lifting up those times!  This past week Abby and Anna facilitated...

Tonight if the internet cooperates, after language lesson we're going to try to watch the Big Game via slingbox, then tomorrow we're taking a day off to travel to Elbasan and meet up with some missionary friends about a joint project this summer.  We're looking forward to a change up in our regular routine and connecting with some friends!

Thanks for checking in!

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