

Holiday Bazaar

Sunday found us at the Sheraton Hotel for the annual holiday bazaar.  The vendors were selling everything from handcrafted furniture to paintings to baked goods to jewelry and traditional ethnic attire.

Our table was a little off the beaten path, but we generated some traffic during the peak hours.

By far, the scarves were the most popular item!

I wish I could have taken more photos to give you a better idea of the atmosphere.  

When Nathan arrived with the kids, Reni burst out with, "I saw the REAL Santa, Mom!"
The expat community was well represented (many of which had connections to the various craftsmen or charities sponsoring tables).  It was fun to see some of our classmates from Albanian class and meet their families!

We have another bazaar on Thursday, this time at the embassy.

We are grateful for any opportunity to sell some of the products made by these special ladies!

Thank you, everyone, for your outpouring of care and concern for Mom Waggoner, as well as for us.  It's hard, not being able to jump in a car and drive over to support Dad and be with Mom.  Ellie prayed the other night, "Thank you, God, for getting Nonna out of the hospital!  And don't let her have surgery again!"  Faith.

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