

Beautiful Albania | Petrela

So grateful...

In my previous post I shared a tiny bit about our language study.  It's only possible because of the fantastic help we are getting from Abby and Anna.

And as you can see, they do more than just teach our children.  They are part of our family.

The kids love them.  We love them.  And we're so blessed that they are with us for these first eight months.  THANK YOU to all who contributed to their funds so they could be with us.  They are so creative with school, the children are soaking up learning like sponges (Reni is even sounding out and reading some words and Ellie's handwriting and drawing skills have come so far!).

Sunday after church and the lunch dishes had been washed and put away, we wanted to soak up the incredible weather before it slips away by making a short visit out to Petrele, just 10 minutes outside our side of Tirana.  Fresh air and enjoying God's creation seemed like a perfect way to end our Sabbath.

Petrele is a village, but up above the village (WAY up above), after many hair pin turns, a visitor can visit the ruins of the castle called by the same name.  I believe it was once occupied by Skenderbeg's sister, Mamica (Muh-meet-sah) in the 1400s.  It was part of a chain of castles that via smoke signals could communicate the arrival of invaders (mainly, the Turks).

This was my third visit, and I was greatly surprised to find the parking lot packed and a gift shop being constructed (you've come a long way, Albania!).  Expecting to find a bunch of ruins we could climb over with a little coffee bar for refreshment, we were instead greeted by a full-fledged restaurant and many a diner enjoying a late afternoon lunch al fresco.

All of the outdoor seats were taken, so we went into the little turret.  Hope you're not afraid of heights!

Look!  A Reni-sized table!

Proof that not all of our family pictures are picture-perfect.

I guess the secret is to let him wear girls' sunglasses.

And one more just because the vista was so spectacular... (Ellie's quote: I can see WHOLE Albania from here!)

Grateful that (for now) we can carry Reni on Nathan's back so these places are still accessible for him, though we discovered one of the straps was literally hanging on by a thread -- he might be getting too heavy!

Alright, back to language study!  Check back tomorrow for some photos from last weekend in the village!

1 comment:

The Head Sheep said...

Wow..... what gorgeous scenery... and what a gorgeous family. So beautiful! My favorite has got to be Reni in the ladies sunglasses!