

4 weeks ago... | Our Commissioning

Four weeks ago today...

Four weeks ago we woke up to the awful news of Mom Waggoner's stroke as we were preparing to fly out that day for Albania.  It was a day full of tense moments, frantic packing, cleaning, checking for text messages from the hospital, praying, taking phone calls, sweating as we hauled bags and loaded cars on a sweltering September day with temps approaching three digits, and more praying.

But the day before had been sweet.  Full of special memories as our Illinois home church commissioned us.  We were prayed for and loved on by friends and family, many who left their individual churches that morning to be with us.  Nathan's brother Stephen preached a wonderfully personal message which you can listen to here ("Joy in Partnership" - 09/08/13).  We got to linger and visit over a potluck meal after church (by the way, my mom and aunts are the best ladies to invite to potlucks EVER!  Oh my goodness -- my Aunt Miriam brought a tortellini fruit salad with coconut -- who would have thought? Delicious! and my Aunt Marcia never forgets my faves and always brings it which makes me feel so special).  Mom was a trooper and made BBQ for everyone!  Thank you, Mom! The closest thing I can liken it too (without the fancy clothes and formality) was our wedding -- just so much love poured on us, I don't want to forget it.  We are blessed beyond what we deserve by the Family God has placed us in.

I'll stop writing and leave you with some images from the day... (thank you, Steve Booker, for taking most of these images for us!)

I have no words to describe the extent of my shock and surprise when we turned around after the service concluded to see our dear friends, the McCreadys from PA standing a few feet away.  I was speechless and nearly brought to tears.

My 'sneaky' friend Corrina read here that we would be having a commissioning the same weekend she would just so happen to be driving through IL to and from a family wedding in Iowa.  Corrina and John took a 'slight' detour and blessed our socks off with their gesture and presence.  Sadly, we got ten minutes with them before they had to depart to make it back to PA.  Something about picking up their kids or something to that effect...

Two Shqiptars!  #cooltobeadoptedfromAlbania #smallclub #specialfriends 

It meant so much that some of my cousins came with their families!!!  Above, my cousin Heidi, her husband, David, and daughter Addy...

My grandma quoted me Psalm 1 and the chorus of Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus as she said 'goodbye' to me.

These photos don't do justice to representing all of our loved ones who were present -- I wish I could have cloned myself to take more photos from that day.  Likewise we recognize that not everyone who has played a part in sending us to Albania could be present that day!  You may not have been physically present at this service, but you were very much a part of it all!  Faleminderit shume!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My eyes are filled with tears!!!
Nathan says that his Mom--(Lois) told him she was so at peace that day. Dear Jesus please continue the miracle and bring Lois back to all of us. Aunt Ruth