

Didn't Grouch* Marx say...?

"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana."
Gr*oucho Marx

I have no idea how that quote popped to my mind just now.  I think as we are on the cusp of flipping the calendar yet again, I shake my head at where time has gone.

We are firmly in a routine now.  It's good.

Between language class in the day, evening Albanian lessons three nights per week with Vera, shopping, planning and packing for our weekends in the village, not to mention the realities of every day living, office work, etc. ... the week really does fly. 

Thankfully, we have some variety thrown in there to keep life interesting -- like surprising Abby with a visit from her friend, Ryan!  Ryan was working in Italy for a few weeks for an Italian bread maker and told Abby he'd pay us all a visit to Albania at the end of his time in Europe, sometime near the end of November.  Instead, he contacted me and let me know he'd like to come earlier, if at all possible!

Last Wednesday after school we took Ellie and Reni out for some family time... which happened to include swinging by the airport to pick up Ryan!  Ellie told me, "I'm so excited, I could kiss you!"  (She had met "Fun Ryan" on Skype a few times with Abby and was excited for our first house guest!)

We told the girls we'd meet them at a local restaurant for a "1 month evaluation meeting."  When they arrived, we texted Ryan (hiding in our car) to come find our table.

We're so glad Abby could have the opportunity to share a little bit of her life here in Albania in person with someone from back home.

Weekends mean youth group after church on Friday nights!  Our numbers are growing!

The mature crowd has taken to playing "Spot It" around the kitchen island.  It's a great game to play with limited language -- we are learning Albanian nouns and they are learning the English equivalents!

Our plans for this week might push them out of their comfort zone a bit... stay posted!

On Friday, Ellie lost her other top front tooth.  On the way to the village, she and her brother conspired as to how to get the tooth fairy to leave something for Reni as well.  That included devious acts such as sawing Ellie's baby tooth in half or for Reni to bite on a piece of metal or a rock for him to lose a tooth too!  (OUCH!)  In the end, Ellie concluded, "You can't fool the tooth fairy!"

Each week Abby and Anna collaborate to put together some amazing crafts from the stash of supplies stocked at the ministry center to fit with the Bible lesson at Kids Club.  Saturday's lesson was on Abraham's servant meeting Rebekah at the well (to find a wife for Isaac).  Appropriately, the girls had the kids make clay pots out of Modeling Magic (no, you cannot buy this here -- this was brought over by Mom and Dad or a team on a previous trip -- thank you!).

Every craft is a hit, regardless of gender or age!

Reni's hands

Please feel free to provide your own caption for the photo above...

This Saturday everyone will paint their clay pitchers (yay for us to make one craft stretch two weeks!) :-)

Saturday afternoon we visited the Koni home.  This was the first time we have made a home visit (we made two, actually, because we had decided to spend two nights in Vlash it gave us time to do this -- we plan to do more).

Eda put out quite the spread for us, including this yummy walnut dessert!  For my American friends, I have no idea what to compare it to.  Ellie just chowed and chowed on peanuts (kikirik).  Demir commented that she ate just like her grandpa.  So true!

If by chance any of our Florida friends are visiting, the pregnant momma at the women's retreat gave birth to this little guy below in June!  He regularly gets "kidnapped" by his cousin Eda so she can get some baby time in with him. ;-)

So grateful for our friends in Vl*ash.  

On Fridays as you're anticipating your evening pizza or family movie night, would you pray for us in the village?  This particular Friday Nathan will be sharing the message at church and we are particularly excited!
Thanks, friends!

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