

The Night Before

We leave tomorrow.  Ellie is so excited she can hardly stand it.  Aren't we blessed?  I think Reni is looking forward to it too, but he's not as emotive as his sister.

Today's service at church was very special.  Steve shared a meaningful sermon (I'll post the link as soon as it's 'live.')  We had all of my local family present, except two cousins who were absent due to sickness.  Mom and Dad Waggoner came for the weekend from Ohio. Lots of other old friends came too.  It meant so much. Imagine my confusion and surprise (and a lot of other confusing emotions) when I saw some dear friends from Pennsylvania two rows away.  My brain just couldn't compute the juxtaposition of two previously different worlds now collided together.  They had a wedding yesterday in Iowa and decided to pop in for our commissioning service and had to leave 20 minutes after it was over to drive 9 more hours (and pick up their children).  It was so quick it was like I imagined it!  Reni played with his cousins over and over and over after church today and was so worn out afterwards.  He sure enjoys all that "boy" time and is going to miss them bunches.

All these emotions are tiring.  I'm feeling a bit numb to it all at the moment (I blame MTI for expending all my tears -- my goodness, I was a weepy mess there). I hope it doesn't hit me on the plane (or worse, as someone told me, the moment they landed in their new country).

I have had a LOT of requests for contact information once we are in Albania.  We will send it out via a Mailchimp e-mail later this week once we get our new cell phones.  PLEASE check your junk/spam folders for our e-mails and drag them to your inbox or "primary" folder (if you're using gmail), add us to your address book, or whatever... we've been sending updates out long enough that our e-mails are now being considered sp*am.  Our e-mail addresses will not be changing but we will have a new snail mail adddress, cell phone numbers, and texting numbers that should work for those of you texting from the States.

Alright.  Off to bed I go.  Thank you friends, for carrying us with your prayers these days.  We love and appreciate you all!


Unknown said...

Praying for safe travels and your family's transition into a new country. See you guys soon! Blessings.

Johnny B. said...

Hello Waggoners! My name is Johnny Walker and I am also connected to FAC in Lexington. My wife, Ellen, and I are serving in Tanzania (Africa) with Wycliffe. When we heard that you were headed to Albania, we wanted to get in touch with you because Ellen's parents are serving there in various capacities and I thought they would be a great contact for you all in the country. Please do get in touch with me at! Safe travels and may the Lord guide you in each new step!