

Ellie Around Town

We've had a lot of questions about how we're managing without Nathan and Reni.

Well, we're doing pretty well, except Miss Ellie seems to get 'bored' a mite quicker each day.  I think she's craving a routine and schedule, but try as I might, I can't muster up the energy to figure one out (it's probably not possible yet).

So in between unloading and repacking closets and wardrobes and cabinets and the like (while we figure out where to put our stuff, store the stuff already stored in our apartment, and so forth), we break up our days crossing items off our list.

Yesterday, it was haircuts for Ellie and myself.  I figured there would be no better time than when I had an Albanian speaker at my disposal to give instructions to the hair dresser as to what I wanted (I'm really not that particular, but I knew the hairdresser would want some direction).  Thankfully I already had a recommendation for a hairdresser just across the street and down one block, and while we were at it, we'd get Ellie trimmed up too.  Ever since her birthday, she's all about "makeovers."

The apprentice brushed Ellie's hair out (no shampoo service for our girl, by her request).

I'm sorry there's no "after" photo.  No sooner had she looked in the mirror to see her new look, than she noticed what I had seen earlier that morning: a slightly swollen right eye.  She melted to pieces right there on the spot in fear.  Her theory for the swelling?  All the smoking over here.  
It really does upset her.  I can't say I blame her.  It's nearly impossible to walk down the street without walking through a cloud of smoke every few feet.

Two doses of Benadryl and one night of sleep later and Ellie's eye was worse than the day before so today we utilized Kerri's services again, this time to schedule an appointment at the ABC Clinic.  Techincally I could have made this appointment on my own as the office manager speaks English, but we were trying to be surreptitious and so it was handy that Kerri could make the appointment in Albanian and Ellie would be none the wiser.

The folks at the clinic were fantastic.  We got in right at our appointment time and our doctor (from Ireland) was lovely with Ellie (in spite of Ellie's fit that I hadn't told her where we were going).  No cysts or styes and nothing visible in the eye itself, tear ducts draining properly and no discharge.  We're just to keep an eye on it (pardon the pun) and come in any time for free follow ups for the next week, if need be.  Thankfully I think it was already going down by the time we were able to be seen and Ellie no longer looked like she had gone a round or two with George Foreman.

All smiles following the appointment

After leaving the clinic we met a couple of missionary ladies for coffee.  I've been really touched by how warmly welcomed I've been by the missionary community here in Tirana and so soon after arriving.  While I don't know how often we'll cross paths aside from home school co-op, it's nice to know who's here and what they're doing and how to reach out if we have any needs or questions.

On the way home Ellie asked a second (or third) time about all the children 'without parents'.  She was referring to the gypsy children you frequently see begging or trying to wash windows of cars in the streets.  It's sweet to see her concern and tender heart and give us opportunities to talk with her about heart matters.

Don't forget to check the right-hand margin of the blog for Instagram photos of life between blog posts (if you're interested).  I'll try to remember to do an Instagram dump post as we've gotten some fun pics there too.

Alright -- I need to go help Kerri!  Ellie's just conked out and it's back to deep cleaning Abby and Anna's apartment right below us!  

P.S.  In case you haven't been getting the updates on FB, God has been answering prayers in regards to no trach and possibly now no feeding tube!  Please continue to pray for her to 'come out of her fog' so we can see if the Mom we all know and love is still in there.

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