


As of Monday night we are back!  
No, we did not die from altitude sickness.  No, we did not decide to move to another country (though Ellie did ask so she wouldn't have to part with a little friend).  
We had one amazing month in Colorado at training.  But that will have to wait. There are more pressing matters in the 96 hours remaining.

We've been counting down the sleeps.  I think it started in February (when we were more general in our estimations).  Reality hit when we got down to 23.  Then 16.  Then 11.  Now we are down to four.

It's been the first words out of slurred lips in the morning, with eyes barely open.  Even though brains are not fully awake nor alert, it's obviously been on little minds as they go to sleep and dream through the night.

It's what this whole year has been pointing towards...

Four sleeps until we leave for Albania. 

Closets and drawers have been emptied.  Suitcases are stacked in a corner, back packs and a few duffles yawn open with a little bit of space for our remaining items.  The fridge is bare save a few take out containers and all of our magnets stored away. 

One place remains apparently unaffected so far (but not for much longer) ... our office.  We've been frantically catching up on desk work from a month away but is one ever 'caught up?'

So aside from packing up our office, we're saying goodbyes.  In Colorado we learned some important lessons about the importance of saying 'goodbye' well.  In many ways, we feel like we said our goodbyes a year ago, but a few remain.
This weekend we'll be taking lots of photos and hugging lots of necks. 
We also learned that goodbyes are often harder on those being left behind. Gulp.  

We were told, "When we say goodbye, we hope it hurts because that means that we've loved well and been loved in return."

On Sunday we will be commissioned at Crosswalk Fellowship in Delavan, IL (10AM at 712 E 4th Street).  Following the service we'll have a potluck lunch where we will have the chance to say goodbye to our Illinois friends and family before we fly out on Monday.  Anyone who wants to come is welcome!

1 comment:

Aaron and Jennifer Santor said...

Wish we were closer and could come say goodbye. We're so excited for you!!!! We'll be praying!!!!