

Winnie Is Sick

We just came off of a wonderful weekend in Gainesville. It was just what we needed -- inspiration from Kingdom workers (local and global), encouragement from fellow believers, and challenging messages that help us refocus as we are reminded why we are doing what we are doing.

How often do you hear someone ask for prayer that they might stay alive two more years and persevere through an illness so they can finish translating the New Testament?  Or hear that for the first time, Wycliffe officially has less language projects waiting to begin for Bible translation than they currently have in-process (about 2,000)?

I have much more to share from our time at The Family Church, but I want to wait until I can post some photos to supplement our testimony.  This brings me to the subject of this evening's post:

I suppose when you drive a vehicle as old as ours, maintenance issues are bound to pop up.  I've struggled with pride when it comes to sharing these 'issues', as you might imagine.  Pride because I don't want to look foolish for our investment in such a vintage mode of transportation, but also pride over admitting the anxiety I incur while traveling down the road!

One week from tonight we should be sleeping in our beds back at the farm house. That seems unbelievable while home is so many, many miles away. I imagine I will feel an palpable sense of relief when we actually arrive.  Since the tires blew, I am hyper sensitive to any rattle, grinding, squeak or squeal that might be out of place.  It's exhausting, actually.

I've shared before about the issue of the alternator belts breaking and coming off.  Miracle of miracles, we're still using the same belt as was installed in Wilmore over two weeks ago.  It helps that Nathan now knows how to tighten the belt himself (and replace it, if necessary). On the drive from Georgia to Jacksonville, then Jacksonville to Gainesville it seemed that we might possibly be "over the hump" of maintenance issues for this trip as Winnie resumed her usual rattle and hum down the interstate, and my tension and concern lifted with each passing mile.

Until yesterday. Apparently, Winnie wasn't done 'resting' during our Global Impact Celebration respite last week. This time, the transmission doesn't want to shift properly, though we were able to make it down to Ft. Myers.  We dropped her off at a shop this morning, and they were slammed with work after the weekend, of course.  They think it was a simple repair and performed it, but didn't get a chance to test her on the road yet. We are to leave in the morning, but I have developed a healthy dose of skepticism, and I'm trying really hard not to worry about what we'll do if she's not running right.  Yuck.  Worry is such an energy drainer, a joy stealer, a faith defeater. I know it's unproductive.  I would be overjoyed if they got to the bottom of whatever issues are taking place under the hood (there's a possibility the shifting issue is related to the alternator belt problems).  Lord willing, we'll be on the way up to central Florida tomorrow afternoon, but our schedule is ultimately in His hands!  I'll try to keep you posted!  7 days remain!

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