

Leaving on a jet plane!

In 45 minutes we are supposed to be pulling out of the driveway.  Do I feel ready?  Hmmm... Depends on what you mean.  I'm trusting that what hastily I've thrown in suitcases will be sufficient.  You may see me wear the same three shirts in photos from trip! I barely remember what I've packed.

We've been home not even 48 hours from the trip south.  The house is a wreck. But it's okay.  I can work on it when I return.

What we're going to get to do in Albania next week is so exciting, only God can take credit for ordaining it.

I'm going with my mom (Dad and Hannah are coming too) to host a team of ladies from The Family Church in our future home village of Vlashaj.  The team's purpose is to host a retreat for a select group of women in the village and pour love and God's Word into them at a beautiful seaside hotel.  I'm going to have the privilege of seeing where these ladies live (we're doing home visits prior to the retreat) and will get  acquainted with them in a setting apart from the demands of their every day life.  We couldn't imagine a better way for me to get to know the women who run the homes of the community where we're eventually going to live and minister.

Would you please pray for the retreat?  For the team?  For me?  Pray for health (so all can participate), for no last minute distractions that might prevent the Spirit's work, and for unity of spirit amongst all.

I look forward to posting (when I can) from Albania!

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