

Can you help us?

Since we've now made it through Thanksgiving, I feel I have permission to start planning for Christmas and beyond... I know December is going to pass in the blink of an eye!

Our next big road trip will commence in January and so we're looking at reconnecting with friends and family, and making new friends along the way too, while we share about our calling to Albania!  I have a suspicion that we have some 'lurker' friends out there who read our blog but haven't yet had the courage to say 'hi.'  This message is for you too!

Below is our tentative schedule... if you'd like to see us while we are in your neck of the woods, please send me a message at cydilwaggoner [at] gmail [dot] com!  We'd love to see you, your small group, Sunday school class, youth group, children's church, mom's group... whatever! ; )  Help us fill our calendar!  We love sharing about the passions that God has put on our heart and His story that He's writing for our family.  Our hope is that He is glorified and the Church re-enthused for the purposes God has for it in expanding the Kingdom of God locally and globally!

January 19-25: Central and Western Tennessee
January 26-February 1:  Central Kentucky
February 2-3:  Toccoa, GA
February 3-8:  Atlanta and surroundings
February 9-13:  Jacksonville, FL
February 14-17:  Gainesville, FL
February 18-21: Orlando and Ft. Myers
February 23-24:  Tallahassee
February 25:  Alabama

Friends in the East?  We'll be headed your way in the spring!
If you want to hear an 8-minute audio of our presentation, click here to download it.

1 comment:

Kjernald Family Adventures said...

I don't see Norway on that schedule!
