

Happy Birthday to...

My parents!!!  I love my mom and dad.  I loved that when I was growing up my friends enjoyed being with my parents (and they still do).  My parents are way cooler than I ever was (or ever will be).   If you've never met them, I'm sorry!  They're wonderful people.  Since they just celebrated their birthdays, 8 days apart (Dad's on the 27th and Mom today), I wanted to give a public acknowledgement (because I may or may not have not gotten cards this year, gulp), including photos. The first is from Dad's birthday dinner over a week ago:

We celebrated at a (dimly lit) restaurant in Peoria.

Then enjoyed dessert at Hannah's apartment with Grandpa Van and Marilyn.

While they were disappointed it wasn't THEIR birthday, they were still good sports for Gjyshe!

No, I wasn't late pressing the shutter.  We couldn't find any matches at Hannah's place...

Many thanks to our friend, Lynne, for taking and sending me the next two photos from earlier today in Vlashaj.  I'm glad to know that Mom had some friends with her to show her some love with a birthday cake and.... Dutch Blitz.  My mom loves games but rarely gets to play them!

Mom and Shpresa

Mom is solo hosting a team from Vermont right now so you can pray for extra stamina for her (Dad wasn't able to finish field work in time to be there too).  Among other things, the team is there to work on making some modifications to the apartment we're going to live in, to make it easier for  navigating two floors with Reni (I'll share more later).  Right off the bat they ran into some issues so plans are changing on the fly.  Regardless of how it turns out, we are grateful for the help of others (that we've never met) who give of their time and resources!

But I'm also grateful for my parents.  It's not lost on me that today is Orphan Sunday, that I was blessed with two parents who have been blessed with life to see their daughters into adulthood and point us to a Savior who loves us even more than they.  Happy birthdays, Mom and Dad!  We love you!

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