

Six years later...

Six years ago today we met and held our Els for the first time.  It's hard to imagine life before this little girl was in it!

Daily she keeps us laughing with her insights and unique view of the world we live in.  She is growing more mature and I am so proud of the little girl she has become. Together we have learned how to "set the table" each day for optimal success and Ellie has gotten so much better in moderating her reactions when life gets overwhelming.  While we mourn the loss that 18 months of institutionalization rendered, God has been faithful to bring healing.  A few years ago I wouldn't have believed how well she has rolled with all of the changes that the past six months have brought and the crazy schedule (or lack thereof) that is typical of our new life.

While there is much I want to remember about Ellie, age seven and a half, some of my favorites are these:  I love how much her little brother looks for her approval.  I love how much she loves people and how good she is at making those around her feel special.  Truly. It's a blessing as her mom to stand back and watch her interact with others, never leaving without giving a hug and learning their names.  Ellie girl, we're crazy about you and thank Jesus every day for the gift you are to our family!

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