

Walk By Faith...

 We awoke this morning to a thick fog enshrouding our home.  I've never really photographed fog before and thought I'd give it a try.  I grabbed my camera and stepped outdoors. Accustomed to broad, sweeping views of miles of fields, it felt like I had suddenly lost my glasses.  Vision significantly impaired.  Rendered near-sighted.  My ears acutely aware, hearing new sounds in the distance.  A rooster faintly crowed.

Then, Scripture started popping into mind...

 "... for we walk by faith, not by sight..." (2 Corinthians 5:7)

"...Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it..." (Isaiah 30:21)

Yes, we are in a season for following the Lord in faith, not exactly sure what the future holds.  When will we leave for Albania?  How will the children handle the transition?  How long will it take to learn the language?  We are not sure of all of the answers.  What we are sure of is that we have our hands held by the One who does see, He who is safe and trustworthy. Thankful not to have to lean on my own visual acuity and for the reminder that He provided this morning...

We'll be back -- got farm pics, homeschooling pics, church pics, and a newsletter to link to!  Right now, Nathan and I are off to a date night! Woo hoo!

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