

Going back in time...

Sunday morning we were blessed to share at Valley Chapel, the church I attended from age three until leaving home for college and beyond....  It was here that I learned so much about the Lord through wonderful teaching from the pulpit, Sunday school, VBS, AWANA, and more.  It was here that Nathan and I were married thirteen years ago!  My heart is full of fondness for the folks who have passed through these doors.  When I hear the term 'church family', this is the first place my minds eye travels because this is where I first saw it lived out!

If anyone wants to know how our family became involved in ministry in Albania, it began here.  A former pastor, Dr. John Koessler, in the fall of 1992 (shall I say?) dared my dad to go to Albania on a short-term mission trip for farmers.  My dad was resistant and eventually was worn down, making the first of many trips in January 1993.

It was with humble hearts on Sunday that we were blessed to give the next chapter in the story and introduce the church to Ellie and Reni, the third generation of our family going to minister there!

Dad introducing Nathan and I...

brunch between church and the Sunday school hour

Reni made friends with the son of Lora, one of my church friends from junior high and up (our birthdays were just days apart)

One of my favorite-est people, Kay.  Kay was my Sunday school teacher for MANY years, having us in her home and taking us out on fun outings.  I'm so grateful for her and other adults like her who invested in the young people of our church... such invaluable spiritual formation.  Take heart, you who teach Sunday school!  It makes a difference and isn't forgotten!

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