

Visiting Dillon

When embarking on this time of preparation to go to Albania, I was eager to discover what the Lord would teach us through the process.  I'm afraid I anticipated that my learning would come through challenges and didn't consider the lessons in the 'blessings'.  One of those wonderful blessings has been meeting like-minded folks who love Jesus and seek to see His Kingdom spread. On Sunday we had the blessing of visiting Mennonite Church of Dillon.   This congregation has long supported my parents and the ministry in Albania.  A pleasant surprise was finding the board below in the back of their sanctuary and recognizing some faces of fellow WGM missionaries!

Sunday was their annual missions Sunday where they took faith promise pledges for their next year.  It was humbling and inspiring to see how this small body has such a big heart and gives so joyfully.  We were blessed to have the opportunity to share during Sunday School, the church service, and during a post-potluck praise report on pledges for next year.

Church potlucks are delicious.  Enough said.

We enjoyed great conversation over our meal.  I wish we could do this at every new place we visit for the opportunity to get to know a few folks better.

We left Dillon refreshed and encouraged by meeting fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  It reminded me once again what a wonderful family we belong to in Christ -- I'm already looking forward to going back!

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