

We've moved!

Whew!  We have been in our ‘new house’ for three days now and while it feels like we have a long ways to go in unpacking and settling in, we really have come a long way!

On Wednesday we scurried around to get the final things packed away in our van, using every available square inch of possible storage (including stuffing the kayaks we were hauling on the roof).  We had final hugs and goodbyes with Jonathan and Faith (our dear friends and the new directors of the student center), with Nathan praying for them as we huddled at the top of the driveway.  Jonathan took a quick snapshot of our family in front of the center and we drove away.  It’s difficult to describe the feelings I was processing as we drove out of town.  While I briefly entertained memories of leaving Wilmore as a college graduate 15 years ago, I couldn’t get past anything other than an overwhelming sense of gratitude to God for the years He gave us in Wilmore since returning in 1998. 

We didn’t get too far down the road before stopping for lunch in Louisville with my former college roommate, Lindsay, and her mother, Sandra.  It was a nice diversion to break up the trip a bit!  In spite of living relatively close by, we haven’t gotten together as much as we’d like (though we give each other a pass for things like parenthood (me) and med school/residency (her) and so on…).

Before sunset Wednesday evening we were pulling into the driveway of my grandfather’s family farm and walking into the house we will call home for the next several months.  Mom and Dad had supper ready and waiting for us.  What a blessing to arrive to home-cooked food and made-up beds!  Since then, we have been unpacking boxes and setting up home.  In some ways I feel a bit like the college freshmen who moved into campus dorms at Asbury … except with just a bit more stuff.
Believe it or not, but this is after three days of working... [sigh]
Today we transferred registration for our van, got new driver’s licenses, and picked up plates for the Mini Winnie (Winnebago) all before enjoying breakfast with Grandpa Van and Marilyn (gotta hit the DMV as soon as it opens on Saturday morning)!  Oh the joys of re-locating!

We are grateful for the help of my (Cydil’s) parents who have entertained the kids, moved boxes, ran extension cords, disinfected cabinets, and on and on.  While we have been busy working, Ellie and Reni are thoroughly enjoying life in the country.  While it’s only a brief season, it’s a blessing for me to see them experience a slice of what life was like for me as a child (and it’s only just begun)!

One of the challenges to where we live is a lack of convenient internet connection.  While we have data plans on our phones (for now) which allow us to send (albeit brief) and receive e-mails and post the occasional tweet, posting here to the blog is going to require a bit more intention.  I don’t necessarily think it’s all bad – I’m sure in some ways my productivity will increase! 

Reni is enjoying a more accessible 'playground' thanks to intermediate steps that our friend Jim added on Reni's behalf

To those of you remembering our family in prayer during this transition – thank you!  God’s provision is evident at every turn and right now my grateful list would start with a comfortable familiar home, happy kids who are loving life in the country, family we can “drop in” on (for the first time in our married lives), and friends (who we already miss very much!) who have gone above and beyond to show us love. Thank you! -- Cydil

1 comment:

Kjernald Family Adventures said...

I have to admit that I got a little sad to see the picture of you guys all packed by the sign. Sad to think that the next time I come home (who knows when that will be) you will not be there so I can knock on your door and spend some time with you. However, very excited for the next stages of your journey. Praying for you guys and transitions...we understand!
