

Rewind: the last week in Wilmore

I found some photos from our last week in Wilmore that I just had to share!  First up:  service project at the center by the Asbury Women's soccer team!  They were such a huge help, painting two back doors, power washing the deck, and emptying the trash room of some loose bricks (in two hours they hauled nearly the entire pile up to the street -- and those disappeared before daybreak the next day)!

Ellie and Reni wanted to join in, so I gave them some brushes and buckets of 'paint' (water) :-)

Our last Sunday in Kentucky we had supper with our friends, the Rozsas.  Like us, they are starting out this fall on raising funds to serve as missionaries (to Hungary)!  Nathan and I met Viktor at English camp in Hungary in 2001 where Viktor worked as a translator.  He later came to the States for undergraduate work and later on to get an Masters of Divinity -- in between which he married our WGM colleague (former volunteer coordinator), Kristen!  They have two daughters, Emily and Gabby.  Emily and Reni share the very same birthday!  How cool is that?

The night before we left, we had supper with the Gouge family.  They've only been in Wilmore two years, but we feel like we've known them much, much longer.  Technically, we have known 'of' them prior to their moving to Wilmore, but the past two years they have come as a family very faithfully to our Global Cafe` fellowship on Sunday evenings!  EVERY time we would drive down Lexington Avenue, the kids would see their white picket fence and and yell, "There's Shannon and Reed's house!"

You can see why the kids enjoy being with these kids!
 Root beer floats for dessert!

So, so grateful for these sweet memories and even sweeter friendships to remember our last days in Wilmore!

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