


We had a wonderful time on Sunday night and couldn't have felt more supported than to see so many of our dearest friends show up to say goodbye.  Below is a collage of some of those who let me snap their photo -- there were many more who somehow evaded my lens!  In the midst of summer busyness, just showing up is more than you all know!  We love and appreciate you!  I want to give a public special thanks to Julie Jobryce of Entertaining Angels Catering who contributed a good deal of the yumminess served at the party.  I've known Julie from my days 'way back when' working in the Admissions office (before Nathan and I were married!) and she's a precious sister who has a huge heart for missions and service.  Thank you, Julie!  We are in Wilmore two more weeks before we leave for the next phase of our journey -- if we didn't get to see you Sunday, please drop by!

I'm also grateful today (and every day) for our Reni -- today (Monday) was his third birthday.  Working on that blog post next...


thesleepyknitter said...

Happy belated birthday, Reni!

It was a great evening, Cydil, and we were happy to see all the people who were able to come wish you well.

Julie Jo said...

Thanks for the "shout out" Cydil... and thank you for letting me share in your evening. I look forward to hearing about all the amazing adventures that God has planned for the Waggoner Family. May the Peace of Christ surround you as you continue on your journey.