

Visitors from PA!

Last week we had the joy of entertaining a visit from our dear friends, the McCreadys, who came to see us from western PA (we were in small group together way back in 2001/2002).  Before we knew of the impending heat wave, we planned a kayaking/canoeing trip for our families on the Kentucky River.

I learned some new things about my friend, Corrina, primarily that I pushed her way out of her comfort zone with this canoe trip (wink). She was a great sport and everyone seemed to have a great time.  I think we gave John some new sermon illustration material!

We stopped for a picnic lunch break on the bank and also enjoyed some swimming.  I love the photo below of John and Corrina.  Glad to see them still smiling in spite of testing their marital happiness when it came to steering a canoe. ;-) 

Ellie decided Jo-Jo (Joanna) was da BOMB!

Glad to see everyone was still smiling at the end of our 5-mile paddle! 

(below) A quick pic before walking out the door! Other than the canoe-ing pics, I was terrible at taking photos while they were here!

Our children were so sad when their friends had to leave.

Shortly after they left, Reni asked, "Are they coming back tomorrow?"

Thank you, McCreadys, for coming to see us!  We treasure your friendship and appreciate the encouragement you are when we're together!

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