

Blessings in Eaton

If you receive our e-newsletter or our weekly prayer-requests, then you knew that this past Sunday we had our first public speaking engagement to share about what we will be doing in Albania!  We were very blessed to share at Eaton Church of God in Eaton, Indiana.  Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth have been wonderfully supportive ever since we shared about following God's call over to Albania and told us they wanted us to come and share at their church if our travels ever brought us up to Indiana.  We were glad to receive Pastor Denniston's invitation to share in their church service and then to also share in an adult Sunday School class.

I was neglectful with my camera, unfortunately, and have little to share in the form of photos from the morning, but suffice it to say, we left Eaton so encouraged.  Our brothers and sisters in this congregation were very warm and welcoming -- we even got to meet a bloggie friend, Marilyn, who's been visiting our blog for quite some time!  Ellie quickly made friends with the Pastor's son and Reni really enjoyed the nursery! (both of those items were real answers to prayer).  Nathan shared a little bit about our family's story.  He started by sharing how in many circles we are becoming known as Ellie's mom or Reni's dad.  And just as we are known because of our children, so is the Heavenly Father known through His children.  And just as our children were brought into our family through adoption with the assistance of social workers, lawyers, judges, notaries, physicians, etc., God the Father relies on the Body of Christ to connect spiritual orphans to Himself, both in Albania and here in Eaton. 

After church we had lunch with Uncle Jack, Aunt Ruth, and Nathan's cousin, Kathi.  Kathi was a dear and brought her two dogs over to her parents' house for the kids to play with after lunch.  Needless to say, Ellie and Reni were thrilled!  Eventually though we had to leave so Reni could get a nap.  

Uncle Jack and Aunt Ruth -- thank you for championing our cause with your church family!  Your support of our family has been more of an encouragement than you'll ever know!

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