

Back from Hoosier Land

We're back!  Back for our final stint in Kentucky before we no longer call Wilmore 'home'... That also means I'm back at my 'real' computer with so much more horsepower, dual monitors, and current software for faster processing of images than my laptop...  (alas, that doesn't also mean more time for journaling here [insert sigh]) 

After our visit in Eaton on Sunday the 15th, we drove a short ways to Marion where we spent five days soaking in learning tools for the next several months of this new ministry journey.  We both love learning and there was a lot to absorb and homework to take home!  While we sat in sessions (there were a total of seventeen participants comprised of veteran missionaries just returned from the field and new appointees like us) the kids had a fun time  under the supervision of college intern, Jenny, who planned their day's activities.  In the evenings we got together with friends like newly engaged Scott and Maria (Maria will be a senior at Asbury and was on our cabinet the past two years), and spent time with former co-workers Ruthie Bassett and Troy Simpson (and his wife Missy)!  You can see why our days were full!

breakfast in our room at the Abbott Center (WGM's guesthouse)

WGM has two ponds on its property and Ellie was very eager to find a replacement for the frog she had enjoyed in Wilmore

Uncle Ron Gouge (missionary to Argentina and regional director for WGM's Latin American fields) caught this for Ellie.  One evening after the kids fell asleep, I left our room to find a plastic produce box on the floor in the hallway in front of our door.  It was stuffed with grass... and this green fella.  Ellie was ecstatic when she awoke the next morning and hauled "Bob" around in her old hermit crab cage which she had brought up from Kentucky, optimistic that she'd find a new pet this week.

Bob was re-released to his frog family when we departed Marion on  Friday.

While Ellie was happy with Bob, Reni was happy to find a new collection of cars!

We're pictured here with our friend Ruthie.  She was a missionary to Haiti, then came to work at WGM's home office.  When we came aboard at the student center in 1999, she was the office manager for our department in Marion and did a fantastic job of helping us learn the ropes and feel connected to the greater team of homeland staff.

the kids with Jenny

I have several more folders of images to process and share!  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Kami Rice said...

Love the frog story and photos! As well as Reni's happiness over new cars! :-)