

Helping Daddy Around the House

On the trip home from the family reunion, we stopped in Cincinnati to meet Mom and Dad Waggoner to get some school desks from them.  I requested that we stop at IKEA so I could pick up a cabinet for my office (it's tough to find a tall, skinny cabinet to hold my tripods and stands, but IKEA delivered!).  The next day, Nathan assembled it for me, with a little help of course.

poor Reni was coming down with a runny nose, hence, the open mouth

Reni mimics EVERYTHING he sees and hears, so this wasn't a big surprise

A few of you read my Twitter feed at the top of the blog and caught a tweet that alluded to our change in plans regarding Ellie's education this year.  Yes, we are joining the ranks of homeschoolers!  There is a little storage room in the center that hasn't really been utilized for a while (other than a place to hold clean guestroom linens and the occasional pantry items prior to a big event). We thought it would be a perfect little classroom, a place outside of our apartment with fewer distractions.  We cleaned it out, patched the walls, and put up a new coat of paint.  Ellie was anxious to help and went and found this paint smock to show she was dressed appropriately.

The room still has a long ways to go, but it's coming together!  We're still waiting on the books (ordered more than 2 weeks ago), so until they arrive, we can't start school.  Additionally, because the program we are using is mostly online, we can't begin until September 6 when online lesson plans and e-books are released. Thus there hasn't been the urgency to finish the room, though the hard part is behind us!  We just need to hang the dry-erase board, curtains, find some floor lamps, add a plant and hang some artwork!


Anonymous said...

I don't think Reni misses a thing! Toy tools with sound effects might be a great idea for Christmas.

Ellie looks so proud of her abilty to help paint her classroom! Can't wait to see the finished product!

Hug the children for us,
Nonna and PaPa

Kelly said...

I have several pictures of my boys right beside Tim "working" away! I'll be excited to follow your homeschooling journey--I love it, well, most days! :)