

Crawling back out from obscurity...

I think this might very well be the longest I've gone without posting on this blog!  There are oh so many reasons, and should I start to go into them, my Dad would just interrupt me, wag his finger, and call me "Queen of Excuses."  Nevertheless, I feel a bit of an explanation is due...

Since Reni's birthday, we've slept in 5 states: Maryland, New Jersey, Virginia, Kentucky, and Illinois.  We've put a lot of miles on the van and made a lot of great memories (including some good moments in the car, much to my surprise).Over the course of the next few days I'll be posting on our time in New Jersey, Reni's birthday, introducing Reni to his Great-Grandparents, a visit to the National Zoo, family photos, a family reunion, and painting Ellie's new classroom...

So for those of you who've been faithfully checking the blog to make sure we're still alive or that something catastrophic didn't happen to us -- I don't really have any good excuse.  Our vacation was a time of great rest, which we really needed.  But during that rest I also got out of the habit of taking photos and posting and once one does that, well, then it's really hard to get back into that routine (much like exercise, I think!).  Not to mention, as you very well know, whenever one is away from home and work, it takes twice as many days to catch back up again!  As of next week, we should reach that mark!

Ellie has commented in the last 24 hours that our parking lot is seeing a LOT more activity (as in going from 2 cars in our lot every day to half a dozen a few days ago, to overflowing today).  Students are returning to campus and with that comes schedule and routine.  That should whip us back into shape and out of summer mode quite soon, just as we're catching up from taking time off!  The Waggoners are back, busy and posting!  Thanks for following our journey!

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