

Kids Pics for Daddy

After noticing that Reni's hair looked like we were going for the Justin Bieber 'do (plus looking for something to do with the kids after school on Thursday), I determined it was a good time to take Els & Rens in for hair cuts.  They did great, so after getting back home we went outside to get a pic for Dad.  

The whole "posed thing" wasn't very successful, so I just let them play and kept snapping away...

Reni's favorite way to engage his sister is to tackle her. 

The next thing on my appointment list is to get Ellie's glasses tightened.  I don' see how they can possibly do her any good like this!

Peekaboo (or, as Reni calls it, "Peek Boo") still tickles the two of them

Reni presently finds it hilarious to say the word, "Pizza!" very loudly.

Cool!  Ants!


I think Ellie could have a future as an animal trainer.
She took Reni's piece of chalk then proceeded to say, "See the chalk, Reni?  Follow the chalk Reni!"

I think she wanted to entice him into the woods like Hansel & Gretl (except in stead of woods, it's an overgrown hedge row).


Jan said...

They may have been for Nathan, but I enjoyed them too! :)

NCWaggoner said...

Great post, Babe! Thanks for all the pictures! Tell Els I will be home in just 5 sleeps. Give Reni a hug for me. Love you guys and miss you! Enjoy church today.

- Daddy

Aaron and Jennifer Santor said...

They are so beautiful and look so incredibly happy. What an amazing family God has blessed you with!!!