

River Rats

Nathan came home Friday afternoon to a very excited family.  He was able to stay up til 8PM, then we were all up bright and early to pull the kayaks out of storage.  

[If you like our beach bag, you can snag your own over at the Minus 1 Project! and help them bring home their little one from Korea ;-)]

 Ellie was pumped.  First of all, she got a new life jacket since Reni was inheriting her old one.  Here she is smiling because we're approaching a rather large and loud waterfall.
When you don't give a child a paddle, they get bored and try to do things like throw their water bottles in the river.  His sister tried this on her inaugural kayak ride so Mommy was prepared and had quick hands to catch it before it could be lost forever in the depths of the Kentucky River.
This ride has been anticipated since we purchased our "boats" (as the kids call 'em) four years ago.  You see, when we bought the two kayaks (a single and a tandem), we bought them in anticipation of having a sibling for Ellie someday.  The tandem has the capability of holding two child jump seats, one of which has been Ellie's seat back in the roomy back compartment where Nathan sits.  Saturday morning we installed the second one in my front compartment, up between where my feet rest.  Let's just say it's convenient that Reni doesn't have feet because I don't know that there would be room for 4 of them up there!  This set-up will suit us perfectly though at least through this summer.

 Not bad for over my shoulder, if I may say so myself.

 Reni wasn't upset about riding down the river, but I don't know that he really understood the hooplah at first.  Trying to get him excited by showing him his sister and Dad in the back.
All he wanted to do was eat "nah" (snacks).  That was Ellie's favorite part at first too.
Oh my goodness, what a cool dude.  I just had to include both pictures.  Shades or no shades?  Watch out girls!

 NOW he's figuring out this river thing.  This is kinda fun!

Ellie's showing interest in paddling!  This is good because I'm thinking next summer she might be taking over my seat and I'll be in the single ... where I will have much more leg room. ;-)
As we were packing everything up to return home, Nathan and I remarked how happy we were with our kayaks -- such a great family activity to get us outside and doing something fun altogether, enjoying the beautiful nature practically in our back yard!

Come back for photos from Ellie's Kindergarten awards party, riding bikes, and news about our decision regarding Ellie's schooling for next year.  SO much to share!

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