

Dedication Images

On Sunday we presented Ellie and Reni to be dedicated at our church.
Pastor Steve unexpectedly shared the microphone with Nathan to share a little bit about the kids. We jump at any opportunity to share what the Lord has taught us about Himself through our adoption experiences of these two! Sue (in red) faithfully followed the blog this past summer and kept the church prayer bulletin updated frequently with our needs during Reni's adoption. We are grateful for our church family!!! Friday night I have been asked to share with the 4th-8th grade girls missions group about our adoption experience. They are serving byrek for supper! I can't wait! Pray for me though -- it's not an age group I'm very familiar with!

Ellie was given a wonderful daily Bible.

After church we ate at O'Charleys. We were sad that Nonna and PaPa were unable to come at the last minute but are glad that Nonna is doing much better now and that she had an opportunity to share with students at her university about adoption from a grandmother's perspective!

Reni is very proud of his new ability to drink from a straw. Check out that look. Yes. We get to see that sweet smile every day. All he has to do is catch your eye and he'll flash you a grin. Even if his mouth is full and he's drinking out of a straw! Such a happy, content little boy.

I'm trying to be good about posting his developments and interests. I don't know if I've mentioned how much he likes tractors and big trucks with loud engines. He says some sort of 2-syllable word that sounds sort of like "tractor" and will point if he sees or hears anything resembling heavy equipment. He generally notices it before I do! It's like all boys are hardwired to like that kind of stuff, or something.

In preparing for tomorrow evening's program I thought I would go back and scan the blog to refresh my memories from this summer. I don't think I had revisited our summer posts since writing them and quickly lost a good 90 minutes, drawn back in time before Reni was "ours". My heart was full, as were my eyes with tears, re-living our experiences. None of us deserve God's goodness, but my goodness, has He piled it on us these past five months.

I don't think I have shared much here about the initial roller coaster of emotions I experienced when we first learned about Reni and weighed the decision to pursue his adoption. In spite of assurances and confirmations we sensed from God, there were still moments during those first few days in mid-April when I would be gripped by fear and doubt. It was so unexpected -- his needs were nothing we had ever imagined parenting.

Now I can't imagine life without this little charmer with blonde hair and brown eyes. My fears have been washed away in a sea of love for this precious boy. He and Ellie just act like they've always been together and genuinely love each other (you should see them reunite at the end of a school day). I still melt when he lifts his arms for me to pick him up, then lays his head on my shoulder and says, "ahhh." Though he's STILL not sleeping through the night, we wouldn't trade him for anything, of course. ;-) His determination is an inspiration and no doubt we will marvel throughout his life at what he will accomplish. Dedicating Reni on Sunday was so natural. He and Ellie are such precious gifts, Reni feeling particularly unexpected, that we stand in awe every day that we have the blessing of parenting these two children. Thank you for praying for our family!


Anonymous said...

Early this morning, I found these precious pictures! Honestly, it is humbling, and causes me to stop and catch my breath, when I think of our awesome God whose design for our family is perfect, all 14 of us! It must cause the Lord's heart to rejoice as He sees the plans He had before the foundation of the world become reality!

We love you,
Dad and Mom Waggoner

Aunt Ruth said...

We add our love and praise to our Heavenly Father for his precious gifts to you!!! Thank you for sharing the dedication pictures.
Cydil, I know the Lord will bless your meeting with the children today. We thank you and Nathan for modeling our Saviour's love. You are the very parents He chose for your precious Ellie and Reni.God is Good!!!!

Rutledge 7 said...

I appreciate you sharing your experience with the rest of us! I am thankful for the progress that has been made. You definitely do have a charmer... it is in his eyes. Thankful for Nathan's opportunity to share at church! Continuing to pray for you 4!

Scott and Jennifer Schaetzle said...


Thanks for sharing so honestly about your feelings, fears, and doubts. We have asked to adopt a little girl with special needs and have been waiting 8 weeks already to hear if we've been approved. My feelings have run the gammet from joy and excitement to fear and discouragement because of the not knowing. Reni is so very special and cute! Please pray that we will hear something soon about our special little girl.

Cydil said...

Thanks, everyone, for your comments! Jen -- I've added your blog to my Google Reader page and will anxiously await news about your possible little girl! How exciting! 8 weeks is a long time to wait! Though waiting seems to be a big part of the adoption experience... We'll pray! Can't wait to hear more!

Rebecca W said...

What a very special day to dedicate both Ellie and Reni to what amazing things God has in store for both their lives individually and for your lives as a family!

Add my love from VA.

Aunt Rebecca