

Found Photos: Reni's last 24 hrs in Albania

My Dad had the idea to photograph Reni next to some landmarks in Tirana so that when he returns, he can revisit some of the same places, knowing he had been there. The photo above is at part of the University, at the very end of the Boulevardi, very near Mom and Dad's place.

Touching a statue of Mother Teresa

Pivoting 180 degrees from the first photo, a view down the Boulevard towards the center.

Mt. Dajti

Mother Teresa turned 100 this year and in her honor, Albania be-ribboned the country in her honor. My loose translation of the first line of the banner above is, "Where there is peace, there is God."

Looking at the Lana River

Outside the Lincoln Center (and where we attend church in Tirana), the former residence of Enver Hoxha, the dictator.

Mr. Chicken -- our favorite take-out for easy, rotisserie chicken!

Gjyshe and Reni looking surprisingly chipper for 3:15AM, loading up the van outside the apartment to drive to the airport!

Reni's boarding passes in hand!

Boarding the 5AM flight to Vienna

I love how you can see the sunrise in the window behind...

At the Austrian counter in Vienna to get the rest of everyone's boarding passes.

Jetlag and Dad's whirlwind 48 hour visit is catching up with him.

Immigration stamp, leaving Albania

Nathan was able to get online as soon as the flight opened up and reserve these seats in the bulkhead. As you can see, Reni just fits.

A new American Citizen!

Passed out on Jan's couch. I have a similar photo of Ellie, but not as modest. (She was so hot, she had stripped to her shirt and underpants).

Almost home! On the flight to Lexington!


Aunt Ruth said...

Praise the Lord!!! Thank you, Jesus!!! Along with you, my heart is overflowing in gratitude for Reni and his sister, Ellie!! I'm so proud to be their great aunt.

Aunt Ruth said...

Praise the Lord!!! Thank you, Jesus!!! Along with you, my heart is overflowing in gratitude for Reni and his sister, Ellie!! I'm so proud to be their great aunt.

Doreen Nixon said...

I love these photos - and love that you want him to remember where he was born - Reni is so Blessed to have such a loving, caring family.