

Waggoner Family Photos: Carmel, IN

Over fall break weekend we went up to Carmel, Indiana (just north of Indianapolis) to spend some time with our Waggoner family. This get together was supposed to happen in July, however a little trip to Albania required a postponement to the fall. It turned into an opportunity for Reni to meet his Waggoner cousins and aunts & uncle. As is our custom, we did a little photo shoot. I didn't think the family photo above turned out too badly considering it was taken by an un-manned camera on a tripod. Yes, there are now 14 of us!

Elisha was not keen on having his photo taken. ;-)

More photos to come...


Aunt Ruth said...

Oh my goodness!!! Such beautiful people!!! I'm the sister/sister-in-law and Great Aunt.(I have to have some claim to fame here.) Stephen and Rachel, the children have grown and changed so much. Each of them is beautiful!!! Leah looks just like her Nonna. Rebecca, you are so pretty. You have always looked like our cousin DeeDee to me. We've seen Ellie and Reni recently. We are so proud and thankful for each one of you!!! Yes, Cydil, I said from the beginning that Reni has your coloring and Ellie has Nathan's. We love each of you very much!

hannah said...

hey nathan cydil and ellie and david reni
love the pitures of your family nathan good piture of the waggoner family pitures on the blog